April 1-2, 2005
Franke Institute for the Humanities
Regenstein Library, Room S102
The University of Chicago
1100 East 57 th Street

Family Values

Conference Program

Weissbourd Fund




Thanks to the Weissbourd Fund, the University of Chicago’s Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts presents its annual, interdisciplinary conference. As in previous years, this conference draws the various disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences together into a common discussion on issues of contemporary political and cultural concern. This year’s subject: family values. What is really at stake in the fierce disputes that attend our discourses on the family’s forms and functions? Why is this institution the subject of such great moral and cultural anxiety? What forces have shaped the boundaries and relationships between private and public life in modern societies, and how are these forces developing in the present? What light can a comparative and critical treatment cast on the ways we argue about the past, present and future of the family in American society and in societies throughout the world?


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The Weissbourd Fund for the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at the University of Chicago.